Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Sweet Memory - Exploding Card


I decided to make an exploding card for my Mother-In-Law for Mother's Day. 

As you can see the card is filled with lots of flowers, butterflies and roses but to top it all off is the 3D bicycle sitting in the middle of the card. 

The top of the box has little pieces of embroidery floss sitting under fussy cut flowers.   The little flowers at the top of the 'Sweet Memory' words are all hand made. The side of the box has fussy cut flowers on both the top of the box and the bottom of the box.  

The bicycle is a die cut which I cut twice.  The actual die has a basket of flowers on the back and a string of balloons on the front.  I cut these off and decided to create two little boxes which I filled with handmade flowers.   

The exploding card has two flaps - the bottom flap is decorated with small doily which was coloured with matching ink and then with fussy cuts flowers. 

The top flaps are all decorated differently and you can see the photos of the four flaps below.