The other week one of the lovely ladies at work was leaving for a few weeks as she was getting married. Therefore we decided to put on a little Bridal Show for her at work and to help celebrate I made the following Marriage Survival Kit. The Marriage Survival Kit is a little novelty box filled with little items each with a special meaning - look at the bottom of the blog to find out what each of the items means.

I made the Marriage Survival Kit by finding a small box - in actual fact my husband gave me the box - when he buys his golf balls this is the box they come in - I have a number of these boxes now stacked under my desk. I covered the box in a beautiful silver paper with black flowers and leaves drawn on it. I put a black mat under the top piece. I then decorated it with black and red flowers and die cut some swirls to sit under the flowers. It was topped off with a black ribbon and a silver and red rose.
This is a fun idea for those of you who are not quite sure what to take to a bridal shower.
Marriage Survival Kit
A crayon – to colour all the days of your marriage bright and sunny
A rubber band – to remind you to always be flexible
A candle – to help the glow of romance always be part of your love for each
A paper clip – to help you hold it all together
A highlighter – to highlight all of the wonderful moments you will have
A glue stick – to help you ‘stick it out’ during the rough patches
A battery – to keep you going and going
A button – to remind you that sometimes you need to ‘button your lip’
A safety pin – to help you pin-point your problems and solve them
A band-aid – to help patch things up
A toothpick – to remind you to pick
your battles
A match – to keep the fire alive
A cotton bud - to cushion the rough days you may encounter
An eraser – to remind you that love doesn’t keep record of wrongs
A rock – to remind you marriage must be built on a solid foundation.